Smith Publicity was a joy to work with. My publicist got very clear quickly on our message and hit the target in securing interviews and articles to be published. I wouldn’t hesitate to use the services of Smith Publicity in the future.
Ron Sukenick, author of 21 Days to Success with LinkedIn
Ron Sukenick is the president and founder of the Relationship Strategies Institute and a presenter, consultant, and business coach. He is the author of Networking Your Way to Success and a contributor to the New York Times bestseller Masters of Networking. Ken Williams is a presenter and mentor with a local marketing business. He is a former sales manager and has experience working in human resources and customer service, areas in which he now trains business professionals in improving. They are the coauthors of 21 Days to Success Through Networking. They both live in Indianapolis, Indiana.
When it came to social media, my mind was void and without form, I was just clueless. Smith Publicity’s Social Media Service stepped in and set me up on Twitter and Facebook. They then had a one-on-one class through an interactive web presentation to teach me how to use these tools. They are professional and provide an outstanding service.
I’m the founder and former CEO of SkillPath Seminars, and you can bet my company has had a robust social media presence ever since there was one to be had. So, being no stranger to the world of tweets, posts, and likes, when my latest book was published, I wasn’t sure whether I really needed help with my own personal social media campaign. Trust me, I did! I was a babe in the woods when it came to the unique nuances of promoting my book, rather than my company. And I can tell you that my Smith Publicity social media specialist was, without question, an absolute genius at navigating the in’s and outs of Facebook and LinkedIn. She took care of all my posts, monitored my stats, and made me look like a pro. She was professional, competent, fun to work with, and best of all—she got excellent results! The social media component of my latest book launch was a huge success, thanks exclusively to the work of my social media specialist at Smith Publicity. I’m definitely a customer for life!
Denise Dudley, author of Work It! Get In, Get Noticed, Get Promoted
Denise Dudley is a professional trainer and keynote speaker, author, business consultant, and founder and former CEO of SkillPath Seminars, the largest public training company in the world, which provides 18,000 seminars per year, and has trained over 12 million people in the US, Canada, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and the UK.
Denise holds a Ph.D. in behavioral psychology, a hospital administrator’s license, a preceptor for administrators-in-training license, and is licensed to provide training to medical professionals in the United States and Canada. She’s also a certified AIDS educator, a licensed field therapist for individuals with agoraphobia, and a regularly featured speaker on the campuses of many universities across the US, and the author of Simon and Schuster’s best-selling audio series, “Making Relationships Last.”
The Smith Publicity social network set up and training helped me secure over 140 likes on my public Facebook and over 1400 Twitter followers within six weeks. I feel the commitment and dedication they put into my campaign will continue to net positive results in promoting my book. I highly recommend their services.
Joy York, author of The Bloody Shoe Affair
Joy York grew up in Alabama, but has spent most of her adult life in the Midwest. She is a graduate of Auburn University and has had a rewarding career in retail management. She was an active volunteer in her community, holding positions on nonprofit boards supporting education, including an elected four-year term on the Hudson City School Board of Education in Hudson, Ohio. Joy was inspired to write when she began creating stories and adventures to entertain her son when he was growing up. She has returned to her home state of Alabama where she now follows her passion of writing full time.
After resisting for years, I finally shuffled to the edge of the social media pool and dipped my toe in. Smith Publicity wrapped me in a life preserver, handed me a brightly colored swim noodle, and then pushed me into the deep end. Not only did I float but also I rather enjoyed the swim, showing-off with leisurely backstrokes. Frankly, I didn’t want to get out. The lifeguard from Smith Publicity watching me like a hawk throughout the process was Brittney, a very personable, responsive and knowledgeable professional who gave me easy-to-understand instructions. It was fun. It was exciting. And now I no longer see the social media pool as being a forbidding place to swim. Thanks to the Smith Publicity team, the proverbial ‘creature from the black lagoon’ has been banished.
SF Tomajczyk, author of SEALs: Naval Special Warfare in Action
Thank you so much! It really helped me enter the world of social media. My Smith specialist was a great teacher of technology. I was terrified at the start because I know hardly anything about computers. Thanks to you, I have a working knowledge to get me started on using Facebook and Twitter. I’m very impressed! You are a hero!
Cynthia Sampson, author of The Classroom Secret
I had been on Twitter but I had no idea what to do with it. No idea, until I spoke to my social media specialist at Smith Publicity for about twenty minutes.
I added a hundred followers in a few days and every time I open up my email I’ve got a dozen more. But not just any followers, but other writers and more importantly other sites that would review, publicize and promote your book.
There was a time not so long ago that I looked at all my work, the published and the unpublished, and saw that the pages were yellowing and realized they were all gong to crumble and fade away. But that’s not the case in this now 21st Century is it? Not for any of us. There is a whole universe out there. Twitter seems to be one of the keys to that universe and if you want to how to work that key, spend a few minutes speaking with Smith Publicity!
Don Frankel, author of Sylvia's
Working with my social media specialist at Smith made my incursion into the world of social media decidedly easier than my trying to do it all myself. She gave me very clear directions in our interview and equally clear written material which was very helpful. One of the things I wanted to know was which media could be most valuable to me. She provided the answers. Initially, I had been worried that the generational divide that existed between us would make it difficult for me. It was not a factor. Now, I have confidence that using social media will not overwhelm me or will take up all my time. In fact, I look forward to posting on Twitter. I would not have said that earlier this year!
Having been a user of many social media platforms for years, I was a bit skeptical about what I could gain from the Social Media service offered by Smith Publicity. As we were looking to take advantage of all platforms and opportunities, I signed up, and I am thrilled that I did! They were a pleasure to work with and extremely knowledgeable and well versed in all aspects of social media platform performance. If you are new to social media or have been a user for year, you can’t go wrong with Smith Publicity!
Ben Halpert, author of The Savvy Cyber Kids at Home series