7 Tips for Writing an Author Bio

A well-written author bio is an essential element of a book marketing campaign. In some cases, a good author bio may encourage someone to pick up your book and read it instead of the next one on the shelf. But writing an author bio isn’t necessarily as simple as writing an About Me page on […]

3 Tips To Get Your Story to A Producer In Hollywood

… and why you don’t need an agent to do it. by Nat Mundel, Founder, and CEO of Voyage Media  When was the last time you were at the movies? If it was sometime in the past 50 years or so (please tell me it was!), then chances are you caught a flick that was […]

4 Tips for a Successful Book Signing Event

A book signing event is a great way to spread the word about your book and connect with your target audience. To ensure your next book signing event is a success, consider the following tips from a leading book marketing agency: Help promote the event – Don’t rely on the event host to do all […]

Hiring a Book Marketing Agency? Ask These 5 Questions First

What to Ask Before Hiring a Book Publicist Whether you’re an indie author or New York Times bestselling name, hiring a book publicity firm is smart. A professional book promotion service offers resources and knowledge to publicize you and your work — and maximize sales. However, not all book publicists are created equal. You want […]

4 Great Ways to Promote Your Children’s Book

Children’s book marketing presents many unique opportunities when it comes to promotion. Once you’ve written and published your children’s book, it’s time to get underway immediately. With some events, it’s great to meet kids and introduce your book in person. But it’s also essential to keep in mind that children’s book publicity differs from other […]

Book Design: 7 Tips to Find the Right Designer

by Tamara Dever and Erin Stark Excellent book design is crucial to each title’s success. But often, authors ask why they need to hire professional book designers to handle the task. If you’re mulling it over right now, read on for insight from expert designers about what they bring to the process.  First off, in […]

15 Frequently Asked Questions About Book Marketing & Publicity

Learn More About the Role of PR in Book Marketing Book marketing and publicity are essential if you’ve recently written or published a book. Given the competition in the marketplace today, you need a well-planned PR campaign to help target readers find out about your book. Most often, a traditional media relations campaign combined with […]

Author Promotion in Book Marketing: A Key Publicity Technique

If you’ve recently published a book, then you may have searched the web looking for publicity services. Author promotion in book marketing is one of the core services along with media outreach, special events, author branding, and more. Creating a distinctive cover and generating book reviews are positive strategies and all play roles in marketing […]

Online Book Promotion Opportunities for Success

The Top 3 Online Book Promotion Tools Successfully promoting your book online is crucial whether you’re a self-published indie author or a NY Times bestseller. Effective online book promotion helps get your book in the hands (or onto the screens) of readers. With hundreds of thousands of books published every year in the United States […]

Author Website Content: Here is What You Must Include

The Essential Content for Author Websites By Sandra Poirier Smith, president of Smith Publicity In today’s book publicity landscape, having the right author website content is a requirement for success. As book marketers, we see massive value in an author’s website and blog. The site serves as a hub of information for media, reviewers, and […]